Christmas in July! 3 Tips for Stress-Less Holidays
Christmas in July…..
I know…it’s 90 some degrees outside and I’m thinking….CHRISTMAS?!
Now is the time to begin planning and preparing for
Stress-Less holidays!
I’m excited to introduce you to a new friend of mine,
Sandy Fowler of Heart Filled Holidays
I’ve asked Sandy to share her thougths on how she plans for Stress-Less holidays….and she graciously agreed….here are her Words of Wisdom…
Reducing Stress and Having Fun with Christmas in July, by Sandy Fowler
When you hear the words ‘Christmas in July’, what do you think of? Maybe you think of a summer Christmas party; perhaps you think of great sales at your favorite store. Both of those can be fun, but have you ever considered the idea that Christmas in July can mean a happier, easier Christmas in December?
Celebrating, playing and planning now can all ease the stress in December, and July is the perfect time to do that! Here are three simple strategies to use in July that will ease the stress and increase the joy in December.
1. Host a Christmas in July party. Traveling and visiting everyone on your list during the Christmas season can be hectic and long distance travel can be almost impossible. So instead, bring everyone together for a fun filled time in the summer sun. You can make this as simple or as intricate as you’d like. Do anything from a pot luck dinner at a park to hosting a full-on Christmas dinner, or anything in between.
2. We all love to play during the summer. It’s a great time to browse local shops, take vacations and catch up on our favorite crafts. That also makes it a prime time to start our Christmas shopping. If you’re working on crafts or other hobbies that lend themselves to making gifts then start making some Christmas presents. If you’re on vacation or perusing interesting shops be on the lookout for unique and interesting Christmas presents. And, whatever you’re doing, take lots of pictures. There are hundreds of ways you can turn a simple photograph into a personalized gift.
3. Plan it! July means we are more than half way to Christmas and it’s the perfect time to check in with your holiday plans. See if you’re saving enough money. Talk to friends and relatives about commitments and expectations. Think about what you really want your holiday to look like, and if your current plans are likely to get you there. Taking a quick peek at your plans now means that if you are off track you have plenty of time to get things on the right track. And if you have to talk to others about changing plans, they’ll be more open to the conversation when they’re more relaxed and Christmas isn’t right around the corner.
July is your month of opportunity, your chance to set the stage for a fabulous Christmas in December. So grab it, enjoy it, and create a Heart Filled Holiday.
Sandy has lots of fun and useful tips for every holiday…
I know you’ll enjoy getting to know her at
Tomorrow I’ll be sharing the radio interview I did with Sandy when she asked me to share my thoughts on BEAUTY!
Wishing you a most BEAUTIFUL day!