Season 1 Finale: Bliss, Blur, or…

WOW! It’s December! The New Year will soon be here! Are you EXCITED? I am!

Have you ever felt, as you reflect on the ending year, that it was a Blur?!  I have, I do!  I think that’s how life is, there are times that seem like a blur, but then when we stop to reflect, we also see the BLISS!  We do need to be intentional about what we focus on. It is so important to remember to look for the BLISS in the midst of the BLUR!  With bliss and gratitude in mind… I am SO EXCITED to be celebrating the ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my REVIVE YOUR DREAMS Podcast!!!  ONE WHOLE YEAR!!! WOW!!!


In my final episode of Season 1, I share my thoughts on celebrating the one-year anniversary of my podcast and share just a little bit about what’s coming in 2023!  I’m SO EXCITED!  I couldn’t have done it without YOU!!! THANK YOU for being a vital part of the REVIVE YOUR DREAMS Community!  This is a BIG deal for me! On so many levels!


What Listeners Are Saying

“A wonderful collage of insightful interviews and discussions. These have moved to the top of my podcast library as they are the perfect “listening moments” to encourage, motivate & provide direction as I pursue fulfilling a 20+ [year] dream.”


“What the world needs!  This podcast is so timely and the host’s message is just what the world needs right now. So many of us have dreams that we’ve let languish and need a boost to bring them to life. Well done!”


“Great content! The episodes about not being a victim and [having] confidence are amazing! Great job and I will be coming back to listen to them over and over.”


“Omgosh!! You must listen to this podcast!! Revive Your Dreams is for those with Big Dreams who have not yet reached them!! Guests talk about the obstacles they have had to overcome to achieve their dreams!! Such amazing, encouraging stories!!”


“I have had the privilege to be in the audience at one of Kathleen’s events over 10 years ago. I was so moved to action that just a few years later I had achieved much success in my business. I continue to follow Kathleen on social media for years! Both our paths took different ways from 10 years ago. I was so thrilled to hear she was doing a podcast!”



Season Two will begin in January 2023!

We will be catching up with some previous guests as well as meeting some new guests, as always, every episode will be inspiring, encouraging & empowering you to become ALL you were created to be!



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Have a wonderful holiday!  See you in the New Year!  Remember… I believe in YOU & I believe in YOUR dreams!


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