LOVE is in the Air!

Happy February!

Whew! We’ve made it through the busy holiday season….and here in PA, a very frigid January!
Now….we enter February! The Month of LOVE! Which means we are also that much closer to SPRING!!!

For now, let’s focus on LOVE!

Valentine’s Day is my 2nd most favorite “holiday”! It is a day that’s been set aside just to celebrate LOVE! Of course, I think we should celebrate LOVE every single day of our lives… is too short not to!

LOVE is a CHOICE we make….not an emotion. As a matter of fact, LOVE is a commandment! God’s Word says, “LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, soul & mind….. AND to LOVE your neighbor as yourself!” (Matthew 22:37)

When we CHOOSE LOVE, we have to let go of UNFORGIVENESS….the two cannot co-exist! Forgiveness is also a CHOICE! Forgiving someone does not mean what happened is OK…it means you have chosen to not let it have a negative hold in your life! That you’ve CHOSEN to let it go and move on! Forgiveness is FREEDOM for YOU!

As we enter this month of LOVE……is there someone you need to forgive? someone you need to show that you love them? someone who needs to know you love them?

How can you show your love to them?
A note? A call? A small gift? A special meal? A hug?

Go ahead….Do It! Remember….Life is short! There are no “do-overs”! CHOOSE LOVE!

Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!

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