A New Year, A New DREAM, A New YOU!

Happy New Year!

I am so excited and energized about the New Year and the DREAMS I have in my heart for 2013!

I’d love to take a few minutes and share with you what is happening here at Kathleen Ellis Lifestyle Design in 2013!

Over the last few years I’ve gone through some major transitions…..and the end result is WONDERFUL!  Two of the major transitions are… 1) that I have overcome a life threatening illness that caused me to 2) close my retail store and scale back my Interior Design business, which has ultimately brought me to an exciting new chapter in my life!

You and I both know that CHANGE is a constant part of life…..if you really want to LIVE, that is!

If you have been reading my blog and newsletter for several years, you’ve probably noticed some changes in the format and content….less decorating related content and more “total lifestyle” content.  To be honest, it’s taken me a little while to find the perfect mix that represents the essence of the NEW chapter of Kathleen Ellis Lifestyle Design.

In the last few months, I have seen the details that I’ve been working on for quite some time come together in a way that makes sense and feels good, authentic to where I am now and the direction I am going in.

What I have realized about this journey that has taken place over the last few years is that it is OK to take the time to explore new directions….new DREAMS…and to keep fine tuning until it feels RIGHT!  I’ve learned that it is UN-comfortable stepping out of  something so familiar and stepping into something new…… and that it is just as UN-comfortable NOT to step out into the new when “you know that you know” that you should be!

All of my life I have been following my heart and pursuing my DREAMS…..and I have seen many of them become REALITY! I have seen them, believed I could achieve them, made the plans and done the work!

So…..here I am again…..ready to STEP OUT and STEP INTO 2013 with a clearer vision and another BIG DREAM!

What does that mean exactly?

It means that I am following my heart!

I am READY to pursue NEW DREAMS!  

One of my DREAMS moving forward is to help YOU pursue YOUR DREAMS and make them a REALITY in YOUR life!

I will be sharing more about this with you in the next few weeks….SO….fasten your seatbelt and come along on this JOURNEY with me…..in the meantime I’d love to hear about YOUR DREAMS for 2013 and your biggest OBSTACLES keeping you from realizing your dreams.

Please…..Leave me a quick comment below…I BELIEVE in YOU and I BELIEVE in YOUR DREAMS!

Happy 2013!

Blessings & Beauty to you~

xoxo Kathleen

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