Are You Lined Up?

Here we are…beginning the 2nd week of a SPARKLY New Year!

Are you, like me, full of dreams and hopes of what this New Year will hold for you?

It’s EXCITING, isn’t it?! And to be honest… can be a little overwhelming…..right?!

It’s time to take a deep breath…..and remember that you only need to tackle ONE THING at a time!!!

Doesn’t that make you feel better?! It sure helps me to keep the year in perspective!

The 1st thing we really need to tackle is RENEWING our mindset! Yep, that’s the very 1st thing to do! We can’t expect to get different results in 2015 without renewing HOW we THINK…..and consequently WHAT we SAY!

It is ESSENTIAL to your success in achieving whatever it is that you are dreaming of & hoping for in 2015, that your THOUGHTS & WORDS LINE UP with your DREAMS!

Here’s a little assignment for you….if you want this year to be YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE and see your DREAMS become your REALITY……………

Take a few minutes now and each day this week to assess & realign your thoughts & your words with your DREAMS! This is the beginning of CHANGE! Write down the thoughts & words that need to be re-worked and then write down the new version….….the version that ALIGNS with the BEAUTIFUL DREAMS you are thinking of for 2015!

Keep this where you can see it and review it every morning & every night! The RESULTS?! You will begin to think, speak & act in ways that will propel you toward your DREAMS!

It’s time for YOU to SPARKLE & SHINE!!!

Make your dreams your reality in 2015!

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