Don’t Let Them Spill!

Have you ever blurted something out and then wished you hadn’t?! I sure have….many more times than I wish to recall! Especially when I was younger! I felt I had the right to let everyone know how I felt about something…..and I told them….whether they wanted to hear it or not! And…..I have to admit, that many times I was not very kind or considerate about how I said such things!

Thankfully….MOST THANKFULLY, over the years, God has worked in me and matured me…and convicted me about my words….and HOW I say my words…my tone of voice! I AM STILL LEARNING, but I am so much different today than I used to be! Sometimes I mess up, we all do, but I try to be quick to ask forgiveness both from God and the person I’ve spilled on!

If you, like me, have found yourself wishing you could take back the words you just spilled all over someone, you can do what I’ve done to change that bad habit!

3 Things You Can DO to Keep From Spilling Words You Will Regret

1) PRAY for God to make you sensitive about your words, to give you wisdom, kindness & consideration and to always SPEAK WITH LOVE!

2) When feeling the urge to SPILL…..STOP!!! HOLD your tongue! And THINK about WHAT you want to say & HOW to say it so that it will be spoken in kindness, love & consideration.

3) If you cannot find a way to do #2 then…… JUST BE QUIET!!!

“Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul & healthy for the body.” Proverbs 16:24

Be patient with yourself…it takes time to change lifelong habits…..but with some practice & divine help you will be able to speak with kindness & love or… just not say anything!

Be patient with yourself…it takes time to change lifelong habits…..but with some practice & divine help you will be able to speak with kindness & love or… just not say anything!

Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!


Kathleen Ellis

Inspiration for Today

Kathleen Ellis

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