Dream Glasses are ON!
Revive Your Dreams…Transform Your Life!What a fun time we had this past Saturday at my “Revive Your Dreams….Transform Your Life” Afternoon Tea & Dream Board Workshop!
It was an inspiring and uplifting afternoon with a room full of AMAZING women!
One of the exercises we did to practice “Reviving” our DREAMS is this…….
We closed our eyes…..and I asked these questions…..
*Remember back to when you were a little girl…..what did you DREAM of?
*What is it that makes you smile? laugh?
*If money were no object…..what would you be doing? where would you live?
*If you be anything, what would it be?
*If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
*What are the things you want to do BEFORE you die?
NOW…..put your DREAM GLASSES on…and SEE YOURSELF AS IF those things are true NOW!
WRITE them down in your DREAM BOOK!
Look at them every day and figure out the FIRST STEP to making those DREAMS come true!
Dream it, Decide it, Believe it, DO IT!
I believe in YOU!
Blessings & Beauty to you~