Hand It Over!

Have you ever felt weighted down and didn’t know why?

Have you ever been overwhelmed with worry, anxiety & fear that paralyzed you, keeping you from living the life you dream of?

If so, I have some really good news!!! You can HAND OVER your worry, fear & anxiety….RELEASE it, LET IT GO! God is waiting to take it from you but He can only do that if you let go and give it to Him!

Once you hand over the worry, fear & anxiety that is stealing your life & your dreams……TRUST HIM to work everything out for your good!

Speak WORDS of Faith, Hope & Life into your life and you will begin to see that worry, fear & anxiety flee! The weight will be lifted and you will be able to ENJOY rather than ENDURE your life!

Once you hand it over….DO NOT TAKE IT BACK!!!

Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!



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