It’s NOT About That!
Do you ever get caught in the “comparison trap”? You know…those thoughts & feelings that creep in when you begin to look at what everyone else has or is doing and then look at what you have or are doing and you feel like you don’t measure up? How about the “perfection trap”?!
I used to get caught in those traps regularly!
BUT….over the years I have a learned a valuable lesson……I am not like anyone else, God’s plan for me is not like the plan He has for anyone else! He has a UNIQUE plan for each one of us! Therefore……my life, what I become, what I have & what I do, will not look like anyone else’s! THAT is wisdom that set me free from the comparison trap!
The other thing I have learned is that what is required of me is to become the BEST me that I can become! That I need to strive for EXCELLENCE….NOT Perfection! Perfection is never attainable….but there is always another level of EXCELLENCE to aspire to! That is wisdom that set me free from the perfection trap!
Soooo…..QUIT comparing, QUIT trying to attain perfection…..and instead….work toward EXCELLENCE and discovering the UNIQUE plan that God has just for YOU! THAT is what it is about!
It’s NOT about how much money you have, what kind of house you live in, what your physical appearance is or any of those other things we get caught up in……it’s about becoming ALL you were created to be, with excellence and encouraging others to do the same! It’s about appreciating who you are, what you have and doing your absolute best!
When you let go of comparison & perfection you can relax & enjoy not only the holiday season but your every day life!
TODAY make the decision to let go of comparison & perfection….and start ENJOYING the process of becoming ALL you were created to be!
Wishing you a most Blessed & Beautiful holiday season!