It’s Time to Start Thinking About that “H” Word!
I know! I know! You don’t want to think about it yet!!! BUT……if you don’t think about it now, you will be setting yourself up for unnecessary stress & overwhelm and won’t be able to fully enjoy it!
What is “IT”? The “H” word?
The HOLIDAYS, of course! YES! It is time to begin planning & preparing for the Holiday Season!
The sooner, the better! What I have learned over the years is that when I begin planning & preparing for the Holiday Season NOW, (which I define as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day & New Year’s Day…and all the time in between) I am able to ENJOY a Stress-Less, Peace-Filled & Joy-Full time with my family & friends!
So…..on Fridays, for the next couple of months, I will be sharing some type of Holiday related content with you so that YOU can begin to create a Beautiful, Memorable, Less Stressful, More Peaceful Holiday Season for you & your family!
I’d also love to hear from YOU! DO you have a favorite recipe, time or money saving tip, memory making idea or some other special Holiday Related item you’d like to share with me that I can share with my friends & family? If so, email me at I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
In preparing & planning for the Holidays, the FIRST place to start is at the BEGINNING!
Create your VISION for what you want your Holiday Season to look & feel like……then you can begin to make plans & decisions that line up with that vision!
I’ll share more about this next week……I thought I’d give you a head’s up… know, so you can start thinking about it and will be ready to get started….NEXT WEEK! J