Kathleen’s Secrets for a Beautiful Buffet

Thanksgiving is just a few days away…..the best way to prevent stress & overwhelm is to……

I know I keep repeating myself here….but there is a very good reason WHY! The reason is because it WORKS!!! Over the years what I’ve learned is that planning, preparing and having a plan B, C & D really does reduce stress & overwhelm, whether it is applied to the holiday season or any other area of your life…..those 3 things combined ALWAYS work!

Sounds simple, doesn’t it?! Well, that’s because it is…but don’t confuse SIMPLE with EASY! The “hard” part, if you will, is disciplining yourself to do the steps….every time, all the time…until it becomes a HABIT!

Now on to the feature for today! BEAUTIFUL BUFFETS! I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again….One of my favorite ways to entertain is to set up a buffet…..here are some of my favorite tips….and a link from the archives to a video I did a few years ago that show you a quick & easy way to set up YOUR Beautiful Buffet! Keep it simple and use what you have……and most of all ENJOY the process!


Enjoy these quick & easy tips for setting up YOUR Beautiful Buffet for Easy & Elegant Entertaining!

Beautiful Buffet Secrets


Wishing you a Blessed & Beautiful Holiday Season~

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