My Escape….to Paris!
Are you feeling a touch of cabin fever? I imagine between the snow, the rain and the winter temps you are ready for a little ESCAPE, right!
I know I could use a little change of scenery myself!
Why not create your own little fantasy ESCAPE? It’s a quick, easy…and inexpensive way to put a little fun into what can be a very long, cold, dark month!
I’ve decided to ESCAPE to PARIS!
Where would you like to ESCAPE to?
It’s really easy to create a little ESCAPE for yourself and your family….
*decide “where” you’d like to escape to
*gather a few elements you have around that can create that feeling…think outside the box, you’ll be surprised at what you can pull off!
*remember to include the senses through…food, music/movies, books, candles, etc.
*then use your imagination!
Have fun!