Tablescape Thursday…Newport Day!
For quite awhile now I have been trying to work time for blogging back into my schedule…I am finally freed from some other obligations and should be able to spend some time in “blog world” again! I have missed visiting you all!
A few months ago…I realized that it had been several months since we had gotten together as a family…my kids are all grown and out on their own, so getting a weekend day that works for all of us can be tricky! We were able to settle on a Saturday in July….what turned out to be a VERY HOT Saturday in July! Oh, wait…EVERY Saturday in July was VERY HOT!!!
Anyway….the Prince and I decided to do a “Newport Day” … Newport RI is where the Prince and I spent our first summer together (35 years ago!!!) and it has been our favorite “beachy getaway” for all these years. Our kids grew up going there every summer and it has been awhile since we’ve all been there together…so, we decided we would create our version of a day in Newport minus the beach, of course!
I gathered some “beachy” elements and created a seaside brunch menu…
consisting of… of our family’s favorites….clam chowder… and salad, crabcakes, potato salad, deviled eggs and lemon berry trifle…
It was quite a treat to have everyone all together….unfortunately , Prince, Jr. was not feeling well that day and wasn’t able to join in all the fun.
He was, however, well enough to eat some of the clam chowder that he LOVES!
I forgot to light the candles in the first shots I took!
Below is the centerpiece I did for the island where I set everything up buffet style….
which is the easiest way to serve several people!
The lemon berry trifle was delightful…you can get the recipe here…Lemon Berry Trifle Recipe
Trifles are an easy and elegant way to prepare and serve a dessert…or a salad.
Pretty, isn’t it?!
We had a wonderful Seaside Brunch together and afterrward we (minus Prince, Jr.) drove about 45 minutes away to a state park that has a lake….
we enjoyed a lakeside picnic (forgot the camera for this one) a hot ride in the paddleboats and just a nice relaxing time catching up!
We all had a wonderful day together and can’t wait to do it again….there’s nothing more special than spending time with those you love, wouldn’t you agree?!
Thank you, Susan, for hosting this fun and inspiring blog party…be sure to stop by Between Naps on the Porch and visit with all the other beautiful bloggers who’ve prepared something special for us!
Have a beautiful day!