What Are You Planting?
Now that spring is here my thoughts are of the garden! I love to plant pretty petunias, pansies, alysum and geraniums in the planters on the deck. I know when I plant those pretty blooms they will provide beauty for me well into early fall……every single day!
That same thing happens with what we decide to plant in our hearts & minds….when we plant beautiful things via what we watch, listen to, who we spend time with and the words we speak, we will have the beautiful fruit of those things to enjoy over and over and over.
Today I’d like to encourage you to take a really good look at what you are planting in the gardens of your heart & mind….to pull any weeds that need to be pulled…..and to plant more of the beautiful things you want to see!
That is how you begin to create the beautiful life you dream of!
Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!!