Romantic Living Everyday….

Valentine’s Day has come and gone…but ROMANCE lives on!
Living in Romantic Elegance Everyday is an intentional practice. We must be intentional and we must practice! It takes time and practice to transform our lives from hectic and frenzied to purposefully paced and peaceful. To me that is one of the most important aspects of Living Romantically Everyday.
The photo here was not taken on Valentine’s Day or an anniversary or any other such “special event”. It was taken on a seemingly ordinary weeknight when my Prince and I sat down to dine together…in the great room, in front of the fire with a light dinner, a shared chocolate eclair and a glass of champagne! (and a few kisses!)
Making ordinary everyday rituals, like eating, a more special and memorable event makes our lives softer, less stressed and more enjoyable. Don’t wait for a special occasion or a holiday to create special moments…they are too few and far between.
Why not develop the intentional practice of making Everyday Romantic and Elegant and in so doing, more memorable and joy-filled?

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