What Allowances Will You Make?

Time for another “Love Chat”! It’s still February!  In my book, I think there is nothing more important than learning how to LOVE the right way! The media shows us so many versions of fake “love”….conditional, sensual, emotional, selfish…on and on it goes….but where are the examples of REAL LOVE? Unconditional Love. Unselfish, Unadulterated, PURE Love?! Those examples are much harder, if not impossible, to find!  There is ONE place I know of where you can find an example of this kind of LOVE…..it’s in God’s Word!

Last week I shared 1st Corinthians 13 – the Love Chapter is what many call it and it is such an eye-opening example of the type of love God intended for us to share with one another!



Another of my favorite verses about LOVE is Ephesians 4:2 “Always be Humble & Gentle. Be Patient with each other, making allowances for each other’s faults BECAUSE of your LOVE!”  Aha!!! ALLOWANCES!!! What is it to “Make Allowances”? It means to Excuse because of mitigating factors!


Excuse: to pardon, forgive, vindicate, release from, set free, overlook, exempt, absolve… You get the picture, right?!  So let me ask you today…… What ALLOWANCES will you make in order to let your LOVE shine into the people God has put in your life? What will you Overlook? Forgive? Pardon? Release? Set Free?  People are people…. We are people….and we all make mistakes! We mess up, we say things we don’t mean, and do things we shouldn’t do..…sometimes more than once…..or twice….or three or ten times! But, if we really love someone we will make ALLOWANCES (healthy ones, of course not talking about abuse or manipulation here) for the people in our lives….

We will LOVE them in spite of ____________! (fill in the blank) Just as we would want them to love us in spite of ________________! (fill in the blank)


None of us is perfect and the greatest way to show our love to someone is to let them know we don’t expect them to be perfect…..and we love them anyway!  Now go let someone know how much you LOVE them!


Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!  I BELIEVE in YOU!

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