Another "Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone" Experience…
I am excited to share another “Stepping Outside of My Comfort Zone” experience with you! I do this not as a “Look and see what I did!” kind of thing but as a “If I can do this so can you!” kind of thing.
The more women I speak with at various events, the more I become aware of the fear many have of Stepping Outside Their Comfort Zone! I know when I hear other women share their victories of Stepping Outside Their Comfort Zones, it encourages me to do the same!
I hope I encourage you to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone! It is UN-comfortable, at first, but then…it feels pretty darn good! And, it gives you the confidence to do it again!
For about a year I’ve been talking about and have had on my “to do” list, writing articles for online publications. I’ve written before for various print publications but always with some specific request regarding what the topic was to be. I don’t know why that made it easier but it did!
My friends and my ever supportive Prince Charming have been encouraging me and even insisting that I get some articles written and get them published!
“About what?”, I’d ask…”Just pick something”, they’d respond. Ok…that was helpful!
Finally, I did “Just pick something” and wrote about it. I decided to write an article,
“Creating a Home That Reflects Your Unique Sense of Style”, and submit it. It was approved and now…guess what? I can’t stop thinking of topics to write about! Seriously, no one is more surprised about this than I am!
I do hope, with all my heart, that this victory I’ve shared will encourage you to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone…today!
Please go and enjoy the article, let it inspire you!
On a lighter note…isn’t the picture above breathtaking?! As I look at it I think to myself …”how lovely that these people have created a haven in the midst of the hustle and bustle of New York City!” I also think to myself… “this is one place you want to be very careful about Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone”…”it could be a very LONG way down!”
Best to use common sense when Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone!