Brilliante Blogger Award!
For the last couple of weeks I have been inspired by two new blogger friends, Shawn, from Country French Antiques has one of the most beautiful blogs I’ve ever seen. Each time I visit I am awed by the beauty she presents in such creative ways!
Each time I visit I take in the beauty of flowers, which you all know I love!
The Brilliante Blogger Award will be passed on to…
Country French Antiques….for the reasons mentioned above!
Many Shades of Shabby….for the reasons mentioned above!
The Inspired Room….Melissa has an inspiring and beautiful blog, lots of tips for creating a beautiful home!
Paris Breakfasts….Carol is a very talented artist who creates beautiful watercolors of miniatures. Her blog is a visual treat!
Your Tea Life….my friend, Pat, previously owned Civil-la-tea Tearoom in Gettysburg PA. she has a wonderful site with lots of great ideas for enjoying and entertaining with tea. Make yourself a cup of tea before you log on!
Stay In the Day… dear friend, Cathy, has beautiful photography she shares on her blog, along with encouragement and inspiration for those who have been through some struggles in their marriage relationships. You will be inspired!
Like I Was Saying….my friend, Natalie, without whose help I would not be typing this on my beautiful blog, which she helped me create, has a humorous, informative site with lots of helpful tidbits of information.
I hope you will visit these fellow bloggers and friends of mine and enjoy them as I do!
Five things about myself…..hmmmm…..well….
- I love bubble baths!
- I was born in Washington DC!
- I’ve been married to my Prince Charming for 32 blissful years!
- I once flew to the Bahamas for lunch! Really! it was a prize I won!
- I dream of having a home at the ocean!
There, now you have it…all my little secrets!
Have a beautiful day…and thanks for reading!