Don’t Ask if You’re Going to Complain!
Have you ever found yourself wishing you were at the next level of your dreams and goals? Or maybe you’ve looked at someone who has been promoted in some way or has reached a certain level of success that you desire and wished you were in that same place?
I have! Most people do!
What a lot of people don’t do, however, is think about the greater responsibilities that come with that bigger success! For some reason people think that it will get easier or there will be less work involved with that bigger accomplishment. MOST of the time that is simply not true!
There is nothing wrong with pursuing bigger goals, dreams or positions. As a matter of fact, it is a good thing to go after your dreams……BUT, it is imperative that in the process of planning to reach that next level we consider all that comes with it and whether or not we are willing to pay that price…..without complaining!
We set ourselves up for failure when we don’t consider ALL of the benefits and responsibilities that come with reaching that next level! There have been some bigger dreams that I’ve had at different times in my life that, once I researched, I found out that there were responsibilities, commitments or tasks involved that I was not willing to do, so I had to reconsider and change course.
Notice I said “not willing” to do…..not that I wasn’t “able” to do those things but I wasn’t willing to pay the price those things would cost me for whatever reason.
I am a firm believer that we can learn the skills we need for the next level and if we are seeking God for direction, He will assist us in every way to bring us to that next level. There will be things we may not like or know how to do, but we will be willing to learn and do them because we know that is the path we should take!
What “BIGGER” things are you desiring in your life? What are the “BIGGER” responsibilities that come with those “BIGGER” things?
Are you willing to take on the “BIGGER” responsibilities……without complaining?
Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!