It’s hard to believe yet another year has come to an end! They do pass so quickly, don’t they?!
Every year at this time, I like to reflect back over the year and remember the most significant things…large and small, and give thanks for them, the good (I dwell on)and the bad (I move on from), as they have molded and influenced me in one way or another. My faith helps me to know that I’ve never been alone and that God uses all things to refine me and move me toward all He created me to be. I hope as you reflect back on this past year, you are able to remember, laugh, maybe cry, but most of all give thanks and know that you have never been alone!
I’ve learned so much this year, met so many new and interesting people and overcome many challenges. I’ve enjoyed time with my family and friends, time with my Prince Charming and time to myself. Going into this new year, I intend to be more intentional about how I spend my time as I am becoming more and more aware of what a precious commodity it is. I urge you to do the same. Life passes too quickly to squander our time on things that, in the end, won’t matter much. Time is better invested into those things that matter eternally and leave a mark, for the better, wherever we spend it.
As you think about the new year ahead all shiny and fresh and full of possibilities, won’t you join me in deciding on who, on what and where you’ll invest your time? Spending it where it will truly make a difference and leave a lasting impression.
Thank you to all of you, my blogger friends, for your visits, your kind comments and the beauty you share on your blogs…I so appreciate you all and I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know you!
My New Year’s Declaration….
2009 is gonna be fine…it’s my year to shine!
How about you?