Happy Thanksgiving!
The most important thing to remember during this busy time of year is to stay cool, calm and collected!
By planning, making your list and checking it twice, asking for help, delegating and keeping realistic expectations…you CAN stay cool, calm and collected…which also means that your family will feel the same way! The holiday season is meant to be a time of family, faith and fun and in most situations we…the mom, wife, daughter, sister…can set the tone for those around us! By taking care of ourselves and doing all of the above, your holidays can be magnificent with memories that will be pleasant to remember year after year!
One of the things I have done year after year to alleviate stress is to remain flexible about when we celebrate Thanksgiving. With two married daughters and a son with a girlfriend, it is imperative that I be considerate of the other families involved in celebrating their own holiday celebrations. Does it really matter if Thanksgiving, or Christmas for that matter, is celebrated at a particular time on a particular day? or is it more important that everyone involved feels less stressed and harried as they sit down to celebrate? Something to think about!
I want to wish you and your family a most Blessed & Beautiful Thanksgiving……overflowing with laughter, love and precious moments!