Look What’s Springing Up at My House!

Wooo Hooo!!!

(Now don’t laugh!)

FINALLY!!!! I have finally been able to put all of my Winter Décor away! My plan was to have it all done by the 1st week of March……THAT didn’t happen! Soooo…. here it is the 1st week of April and SPRING is finally making an appearance in my home!

Fortunately, my “Seasonal Décor Philosophy” allows me to be a bit more flexible with when I switch things over. Instead of decorating for every specific holiday, I decorate for 3 seasons: Spring/Summer, Fall and Winter. This philosophy saves me time and money!

You can read more about my Seasonal Décor Philosophy here: Save Time with Seasonal Decorating & WFFPs

I thought I’d share a few of my Spring Transformation WFFPs with you today….in case, like me, you’re needing an extra dose of inspiration for your own spring home transformation!

I started in the Dining Room…..mostly because it’s what you see when you come in the front door….first impressions!

Looks like these bunnies are sharing a secret!

I just LOVE using floral patterns in my home….and of course when they’re PINK, even better!

The Foyer was next….not much to do there, a couple of doves and a pretty floral on a silver tray…VOILA!

I love the reflection of the dining room table in the mirror!

The Breakfast Room table…….

And….the Family Room…….

I picked this pretty little silver tray up in NC – I got a FABulous deal on it…..the votives are from Marshall’s! Aren’t they adorable?!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little “Breath of Spring Air” I’ve breathed into my home and that it inspires you to create some beautiful WFFPs around your home!

Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!


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