Never Too Old or Too Young for This!
Do you have a “Teachable Spirit”? That is, a mindset & attitude that embraces learning from others….allowing yourself to be the humble student and willing to take instruction from…..a boss…a well-meaning friend….your spouse? God?
It took me a long time to develop a teachable spirit…..sometimes I still struggle with it, but the older I get the more I realize that there are lessons to be learned in a multitude of ways from many different people….some that you would never expect!
Unfortunately, I come across many people who don’t have a teachable spirit…..they think they already know “it” and won’t consider the fact that the “it” they know isn’t the “it” that works in every situation!
Sometimes, we DO know “it”….but we need to remain open & teachable so that we can learn new ways or different ways…..or maybe just the way someone wants a particular thing done!
Do you have a “Teachable Spirit”?
Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!