Six Ways to Make Your Summer SUPER!

It’s JUNE!!!

The 1st day of summer is just around the corner! While it seems like it can’t be… IS HERE…whether we are “ready” or not!

As I have been looking ahead at the commitments already on my calendar for the summer, only a few so far, I was thinking about what people & things I want to be sure to make/reserve/have time for this summer and when I want to plan them in so that they don’t fall by the wayside!

I hate it when summer comes to an end and I find that I failed to do some of the things I really wanted to do but didn’t MAKE the time for! So….I have already started reserving days for some of the people & things on my list…..and I will continue in the next few weeks to complete this task so that I’m sure to include everything that is most important to me before the summer runs out!

Why not get your calendar out, make your list of the people & things you want to include in the summer days ahead and get them on your calendar NOW!

Today, I thought I’d share with you Six Ways YOU can Make YOUR Summer SUPER…and maybe even SPARKLY! (hee hee)

1) SLOW DOWN! Take time to smell the roses, really! Soak in the sunshine! Relish the longer days! Take deeper breaths…..SLOW DOWN & ENJOY (rather than endure) the beauty of summer!

2) PLAN MEMORABLE MOMENTS! Summer is the perfect time to enjoy extra time with family & friends. Once September comes along the busier pace of the school & holiday seasons make it a bit more challenging to get together as often as we’d like.

3) EAT HEALTHIER! Summer is the perfect time, with the abundance of fresh fruits & veggies, to adopt some healthier eating habits, like increasing the amount of veggies you eat, drinking more water & skipping heavy foods & desserts, replacing them with lighter, cooler meals & fruity treats! Small changes you make now will help you to keep healthy eating habits long term.

4) MOVE MORE! Summer is the perfect time to get MOVING! With the beautiful weather and the abundance of fun outdoor activities, you can easily add some body friendly activities to your week that will help you feel more energetic, relaxed & happier! Physical activity releases feel-good endorphins that make us feel happier & less stressed….isn’t that great news! Walking, biking, swimming, playing outside with the kids, tennis, kayaking….the list is endless…Soooo……go have some FUN!

5) INDULGE! Make & take a little extra time to indulge in some quality SELF CARE! Don’t feel guilty about it, either! Taking care of YOU is what replenishes, refreshes & refuels you so that you can take care of the rest of the people & things in your life! You can’t pour out what you haven’t filled yourself up with!

6) LEAVE TIME OPEN! Don’t book your calendar so solid that you panic every time you look at it! Leave time for last minute, spur of the moment, spontaneous FUN! One of my favorite things to do is to allow enough flexibility in my weeks that when there is an exceptionally beautiful day or even a rainy day, I can rearrange things a bit and take advantage of “playing hooky” so to speak! Last minute adventures- whether it’s a picnic by the lake, a couple of hours in your favorite antique shop, enjoying a cup of tea at the bookstore or spending a lazy afternoon with a friend or family member- have a way of re-energizing you and helping you to refocus on the not so Summery & Sparkly things on your to do list!

There you have it……6 ways you can make your summer super…..if you have some other ideas you’d like to share about how you make your summer super, I’d love to hear them….pop over and share them in the comments on my blog or on Facebook.

Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!


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