Sunrise, Sunset….Sunrise, Sunset….
…..swiftly fly the years,
One season following another,
Laden with happiness and tears…
sunrise, sunset…
While I was in Newport I had the luxury of waiting for the sunset…for an hour and a half Prince Charming and I sat on a bench at a very quiet little park overlooking a cove in the harbor and waited for the sunset! It was spectacular! I don’t know which was more exciting the sunset or actually being able to sit and wait for it…not missing one moment of the process!
While I was in Newport I had the luxury of waiting for the sunset…for an hour and a half Prince Charming and I sat on a bench at a very quiet little park overlooking a cove in the harbor and waited for the sunset! It was spectacular! I don’t know which was more exciting the sunset or actually being able to sit and wait for it…not missing one moment of the process!
I don’t know about you, but I find myself many evenings discovering just moments too late that I’ve missed the sunset! I think to myself…”if I’d only been paying attention a few minutes earlier I would have seen the splendor of the entire sunset…”
Does that ever happen to you?
I know some people say, “the sun rises and sets each day, if you miss it today you can see it tomorrow…” I, however, feel that moments of beauty like that just shouldn’t be missed and no two are exactly the same! The days go so quickly by that there is something almost a bit indulgent in stopping and taking a few moments to watch the sunset…and if you’re so inclined, the sunrise…although I must admit, I see fewer sunrises than sunsets….I must work on that one!
Speaking of years swiftly passing….it’s already September….only a few more weeks of sunsets later in the evening….why not set your alarm/cell phone/kitchen timer to make sure you don’t miss the sunsets….and the sunrises!
Speaking of years swiftly passing….it’s already September….only a few more weeks of sunsets later in the evening….why not set your alarm/cell phone/kitchen timer to make sure you don’t miss the sunsets….and the sunrises!
Teach your family to appreciate them as well!