Thank You…for your sweetness and awards!

From Catherine… I’ve received the Proximadade Award, which translated from Portuguese means, “This blog contributes to and supports or believes in close friendships. This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY – nearness in space, time and relationships!”
**I award this to all of you who are on my Follow list, my Blogroll and those who leave such sweet comments here! Thank you! You are all wonderful!
From Cielo… I’ve received the Blog Love award (rules following)…
To accept this award, the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add the link of the blogger who shared the award with you.
3. Pass this award on to bloggers you love.
4. Add a link to the participants below.
5. Leave a message on the blog of the blogger who passed the award to you.
Now comes the hard part! I must pass the award on to other bloggers that I love. Well, to be honest with you, there are so many that I find it difficult to choose, I appreciate every one of you. ( I really want to include all of you, but I did that above, didn’t I?!) so, here it goes to 3 I picked for 3 different reasons….to find out what they are check out their blogs!1) Shawn at Country French Antiques
2) Judith at Sweet Designs
3) Fifi at Fifi Flowers Decor
Although I enjoy receiving awards, I must admit, it’s hard to pick just a few to send them out to! You are all soooo special!