The Geranium & Petunia Project…..
After checking out all the options for geraniums this past weekend…and in the process finding myself a new white Christmas tree for 75% off…WoooHoooo!…..we went back to the nursery that had the most vibrant colors.
I love to plant BRIGHT pink geraniums in my deck planters, which I can see from the kitchen window as I do the dishes or from the patio doors as I sit and enjoy my breakfast or do some writing.
I had sooo much fun picking out 36 geranium plants!!!
We had an unexpected surprise when the cashier asked my handsome (distinguished) Prince if he was “over 55″…because on Tuesdays there is a “senior citizens” discount…LOL! Well…yes….he answered….I’m 57…he just blurted it right out……I NEVER blurt out my age….and NO….I am NOT a senior citizen…not yet….so, she also informed us that every Tuesday I can get the senior citizen discount…as long as I bring “HIM” with me! LOL! It was quite a nice discount…my Prince was thrilled!
Now these wave petunias we’ve had for a few weeks….waiting to see if the squirrels attempted to devour them (like they did last year) before we put them in the window boxes…so far, so good….so maybe it’s safe to plant them…we’ll find out real soon!
Soooo…anybody wanna get their hands dirty?