Valentine Romance: Easy as Pie
Valentine romance…easy as pie. L O V E pie, that is!
Research shows about 65% of men don’t plan ahead for Valentine’s Day….probably not because they don’t want to but rather because they’re just not sure what to do. They want to be original and creative but aren’t sure where to start. So, I thought I’d help them along a little!
L……Listen, Look & Learn.
Listen to your loved one and while you’re listening, Look them in the eyes. Then you will Learn what they truly want and like. If you file the tidbits of information away you’ll be able to use them throughout the year, whenever you want to create a little romance. Then, Light some candles….candlelight is the most romantic lighting and it begins to set the mood. You’ll want to Listen to some romantic music as well.
O……. Don’t Overlook the Obvious.
Picking up your dirty socks, putting your dishes in the dishwasher and other “little” seemingly un-romantic acts go a long way to create romance year round! Then, think “take -Out” not “go-Out”. Although going Out to eat on Valentine’s Day is a romantic notion and quite a popular tradition it can prove to be rather frustrating trying to create romance in a noisy, crowded restaurant. Why not call ahead to one of your favorite places and arrange for some take-Out instead? Stop by the grocery store on the way and pick up a “gourmet” dessert, make sure you have some bubbly and you are on your way to a romantic evening at home.
When you begin to put into practice the L and the O you will be showing your loved one how much you Value them. Everyone wants to know they are valued and appreciated by those they love. Then it’s time to add the Vase and the Verse. Find out while you’re Listening what kind of flowers your loved one likes and then fill a Vase with a bouquet or even a single stem of that flower. Every
woman loves to receive a romantic love letter or card so write a Verse or two or better yet, read a few Verses of romantic poetry to her.
When you put a little Extra Effort into planning a special personalized evening you’ve created a special memory for the two of you to Enjoy! One of my most memorable Valentine’s memories is the year I received 8 roses….beginning 8 days before Valentine’s Day I received one single rose with a single letter. On the first day it was an “I”, second day an “L”…and so on until on the final
day I had a collection of letters that spelled out “I love you” along with the roses that accompanied them. Although that was many years ago I remember it every year!
Do you have a special Valentine memory?