Whimsical, Magical Spring Tea….

Isn’t this just the most amazing collection of cheery, springy pottery you’ve ever seen?!
This is the new Mackenzie-Childs Spring Collection
This is the new Mackenzie-Childs Spring Collection
Victoria Mackenzie-Childs has created some of most whimsical and fun dishes and decor I have ever seen…you really must go visit her site…it will make you smile!
I decided to host a tea party using some of her whimsical pieces…won’t you grab your cup of tea and dream along with me?!
Welcome…..to my whimsical, magical spring tea….
Won’t you come in and have a seat…in one of my very comfy chairs….
this one is a little firm but very princessy….be careful not to spill, please!
this one is firm, too…but little spills aren’t as noticeable…I usually let the Prince sit here ;-D
this chair is a bit more cushy…if you want a chair that hugs you, this would be your choice!
Here, let me adjust the chandelier…it’s a bit bright, isn’t it!
Don’t these little tea cakes and petit fours look divine? Almost as pretty as the tiered servers, don’t you think?
…and this tea set, have you ever seen anything so pretty…it is so springy!
This pattern comes in four colors…I want them ALL…don’t you?!

or….maybe it’s the pink….I can’t decide! That’s why I would just have to get them all!
I hope you’ve enjoyed your whimsical, magical tea…Thank you so much for coming…I wish we had more time but Susan’s Tablescape Thursday has become so popular that I really must get started with my visiting…won’t you join me…over at Between Naps on the Porch…come on…it’s more fun with a friend! Susan is such a great hostess, too, I’ll bet she’s got some treats waiting for us right now!
OH! I almost forgot….silly me…I’ve put together a gardening bag for each of you…please grab one on the way out…pretty soon we’ll be able to plant some pretty flowers!
Now how long do you think it will take the FABulous Fifi to paint one of these whimsical chairs????