Why I’m Mixing Things Up a Bit!

WOW!!! It’s NOVEMBER!!! How did that happen?! Are you wondering the same thing?!


It’s chillier….definitely time to get the sweaters, vests & boots out! Time to get the fireplace burning!

It’s darker earlier….thanks to setting the clocks back……do you feel like it’s time to put your PJs on at 6:00, too?! I do!

And……it’s time to really get serious about preparing for the beautiful Holiday Season! It is for that very reason that I have decided to MIX THINGS UP A BIT!

I am following my own advice about PRIORITIZING for the Holiday Season so that I can avoid OVERWHELM. In order to have time for the extra holiday related activities something else has got to be (temporarily) eliminated from the schedule, right?!

As I consider my days dealing with an Autoimmune Disease AND preparing & enjoying the Holiday Season, I realize I need to let a few things go during this time in order to REALLY be able to enjoy the season. I’ve shared with you over the last few weeks about Prioritizing, Planning & remaining Flexible and I really try to live what I teach!

What have I eliminated? Among other things, I’ve decided to send out only 2 emails a week, rather than the 3 you are used to getting. On Tuesdays I’ll be sharing from the pages of my book, Facets of Graciousness, which by the way, makes a BEAUTIFUL & Inspiring gift! On Fridays I’ll be sharing Ideas & Tips from my Busy Woman’s Holiday Survival Kit, which by the way, REALLY does give you the tools you need to not just SURVIVE the Holiday Season but to THRIVE & ENJOY the season!

I hope that you will follow my example and really look at the “things” on your list and ELIMINATE some things (even if it’s just temporarily) in order to ENJOY the Holiday things! That sure beats the alternative…..which is becoming overwhelmed, stressed out, sick & grumpy! I know you (and your family) would much rather ENJOY a Peace-Full, Joy-Full, Fun Filled & Memorable Holiday Season!

Make this your BEST Holiday Season EVER!

Sparkle & Shine!


From the pages of Facets of Graciousness…….

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