Your Beautiful Life Garden
Have you ever thought of your life as a beautiful garden?
Stop for a moment and give it some thought……….
Here’s what I’ve found to be true in my life & the lives of those around me:
What you PLANT is what you REAP. ALWAYS, it works that way, ALWAYS!
So if you are not seeing what you want to see in your life…….
MAYBE it’s time to check out what SEEDS you are PLANTING!
I have to regularly check out the seeds I’m planting so that I’m sure to be receiving the results I want to see….in any area of my life! If there is something I’m NOT seeing that I want to see….I ask God for wisdom & insight to see what seeds need to be planted & what seeds need to be thrown out!
When the right seeds are planted……I see the right results! If it works for me, I KNOW it will work for you!
Today… about checking those seeds your planting?!
Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!