In Need of HOPE!
If ever there was a time to be extremely vigilant about what we allow into our minds and what we speak out of our mouths, it is NOW!
Daily there are reports of violence, war, financial crisis…..on and on the negative list grows!
How do you keep from losing HOPE in these days of turbulence?
Here are 3 things I do to keep HOPE alive in my own life, mind & spirit. I pray you will be encouraged to do the same……these things REALLY WORK! I know because I see the results in my own life and the lives of others doing the same things!
One key thing to remember, though, YOU MUST BE INTENTIONAL, DILIGENT & VIGILANT!
3 Things You Can Do to Keep HOPE Alive in Your Life
- SHUT OFF the news and any other negative, fear-filled noise! That includes TV, radio, social media, people…any source that is flowing with doom and gloom.
- TURN ON positive, uplifting, hope-filled noise! Very carefully select what you allow into your mind. Intentionally CHOOSE to surround yourself with positive, uplifting, encouraging people, CDs, DVDs, radio, TV….whatever will fill you up with good stuff!
- MEDITATE on the TRUTH! God’s Word says in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.” The very 1st place I go to for HOPE, PEACE & COMFORT is to God and His Word! Knowing God loves me, cares for me, hears and answers my prayers is what keeps HOPE alive in my mind, my spirit, my life!
One of my favorite passages of scripture, that I try to live by, is Philippians 4:6-8. This passage has guided me and brought me peace and comfort for over 35 years! On numerous occasions where fear and despair was closing in on me, I turned to this scripture and found strength and peace, comfort and HOPE!
I HOPE you will read it and find the same strength, peace, comfort and HOPE that I have/do!
Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!