Keeping It All Together…..Maintaining Beauty & Order
Okay, so you’ve made the decision to bring beauty & order to your life through organizing each area,
and you’ve begun the process…remember, “Inch by inch, it’s a cinch; yard by yard, it’s hard!”
You’ve even made some progress…WooHoo for you!
NOW…you want to go to the next level and maintain the Beauty & Order you’ve established….because it feels sooo good, right?
Kind of like a sunny, breezy day……a breath of fresh air……aaaaahhhhhh!
(HGTV Dream Home)
I have found that I need a little help along the way…you know, with ideas, inspiration, motivation and resources….it just makes it a bit easier for me! I’m guessing you feel the same way, too!
So…I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite resources for you. I really want you to enjoy the peace and pleasure that come from creating and maintaining Beauty & Order in your space, your life and your mind!
What’s Your Organizing Personality Month by Month Plan
Harold Taylor Time Organization
Each of these sites has some useful articles and resources as well as newsletters that you can use to
KEEP that Beauty & Order
within reach!
One of the best ways to KEEP it all together is by establishing habits, routines and systems that work for YOU….so use these resources as guides and then personalize the information so it works for you and your family!
I‘d love to hear about where and how you have created Beauty & Order in your space…please share so I can celebrate your success!
Here’s to our Beautiful Spaces!