Lobstah (Lobster) Salad Roll “Recipe”!
When I was a kid, summertime seemed magical in many ways… the long, sunny, warm days, fresh vegetables from the garden, bike rides, sprinklers, and hoses to cool off, fireflies, hotdogs on the grill, toasted marshmallows, fireworks, thunder & lightening shows (ok, and mosquitoes, wasps and humidity-not so magical). While there were things that weren’t so magical during my childhood, I choose to remember these things! I bet you’ve got some magical summer moments in your memory bank as well!
While I believe there are magical moments in each day, and sometimes we must look very closely to see them, somehow Summer seems to have an overflow of those moments for me.
Now, I am enjoying the “longer” days, and I’m savoring the magical moments in each day so that when summer comes to a close, I feel like I’ve truly savored those fleeting days. On my calendar is time spent in Newport with my grandsons, bouquets from my garden, dinners on the deck, out of town friends visiting, an evening of outdoor music at the vineyard, mini-golf and go-carts, quiet time in the morning on the front “courtyard” enjoying my beautiful perennial garden, days with my youngest grandson, 18 months old, as he discovers splashing in the pool, rain, bubbles, new foods, and new words, and I’ll be eating lobstah rolls, steak salad, ice cream, and watermelon… lots of watermelon!
OK!!! I heard you loud and clear! Here’s the recipe for Lobstah Salad Rolls a la Prince Charming!
We get our lobster at the grocery store, we live in Central PA, no dock-side lobster markets here! We usually wait till they’re on sale (but not always) and then indulge! One 1 1/2 to 2-pound lobster yields at least 2 generously filled rolls. The Prince often brings 4-6 lobsters home. You probably know me well enough by now to know I’m a “no muss, no fuss” kind of gal so, we have the store steam them for us! Prince Charming then cracks and opens, etc. He seems to really enjoy that part, go figure!
He also chops the celery and parsley and a wee bit of dill (if you like sweet onion go ahead and add some of that in, too)… those you add to your liking. For us, it’s about 2-3 large stalks of celery and about a 1/4 cup of parsley per 3 lobsters. I forgot to give you the disclaimer at the beginning: I am not one to follow recipes a whole lot… and I don’t measure many things… so most of my “recipes” are my best guess at how much I used! Now when I’m baking… no, wait! That never happens…never mind! LOL!
Ok…so, we’ve got our lobster, our celery, parsley, and dill (maybe onion) diced/chopped very fine, then we add…Now, this is our SECRET ingredient, so mum’s the word, ok?!
Brianna’s Organic Poppy Seed Dressing!!! Yep! It’s sweet and adds just the right flavor, mmmm, mmmm! I add this a little at a time and mix it through each time…..Prince Charming is very particular about his lobster salad having just enough dressing to hold it together but not so much that it’s soupy or that you can’t taste the lobster (THAT would be a crime!) add salt and pepper to taste (again, I do this a little at a time, then taste). We think it is best to make this up the night before to let all the flavors meld together overnight (in the fridge, of course!) But, usually, we can’t wait that long to devour our first Lobstah Rolls. We also like to make enough so we have it for a few days… if you’re going to go to all that work why not enjoy it to the max, right?! I do suggest taking the Lobster Salad out of the fridge about 30-45 minutes beforehand, it tastes best when not ice cold! Mmmmm… I can almost taste it now!

Tah Dah! you serve the lobster salad on grilled hot dog rolls (better if they are New England style) OR fresh croissants – my fave. Add a fresh garden salad and NON-GMO sweet corn on the cob, maybe some chips… and you have yourself one heavenly Summer Time Feast! Although, we have been known to enjoy this treat in the dead of winter in front of the fireplace! Works out nicely for a romantic & cozy evening at home! Sidenote: Since having to modify my diet for health reasons, I often enjoy my lobster salad on a bed of organic greens yummie & a healthy way to indulge!

P.S. If you don’t care for lobster….we think you’re nuts…no, not really, my point is that you can make this same meal without lobster by substituting seafood or crab salad…or even chicken or tuna salad… it is still a yummie meal! ENJOY!
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