This Law Works Every Time

Did you know that if you plant corn you will reap corn?! And that if you plant cucumbers you will reap cucumbers?! And that if you plant peas you will reap peas?! Of course you do!

This is known as the Law of Sowing & Reaping! It’s a Universal Law….a Biblical Law and it’s a law that farmers are very familiar with… fact they have faith in it and depend on it to perform the same way every single time! And it does!

Did you know that vegetables are not the only things that abide by the Law of Sowing & Reaping?!! Pretty much everything in life goes according to the Law of Sowing & Reaping! It doesn’t take a lot to see that this Law works everywhere, all the time.

If you sow love, you will reap love….If you sow hate, you will reap hate!

If you sow anger, bitterness & unforgiveness… will reap anger, bitterness & unforgiveness.

If you sow generously, you will reap abundantly……if you sow selfishness & greed, you will reap lack!

Whatever you sow…or plant…will multiply back to you more of the same!

Today…….take a few minutes to think about what you desire more of in your life and determine what you must sow in order to reap the harvest you desire!

Make this YOUR year to SPARKLE & SHINE!




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