Valentine Give-Away!


Valentine’s Day is just a few days away…and in celebration of this celebration of LOVE….I’m giving away one of my FAVORITE books….

Living Romantically Every Day…written by none other than the “Queen of Romance”, Barbara Taylor Bradford.

This book is unfortunately not in print anymore…can’t understand why! When I found out it wasn’t in print anymore I searched out as many copies as I could find…and much to my delight, I did find a few new ones!

Now, I’d like one of my LOVE-ly readers to enjoy a copy of this treasure trove of ROMANTIC LIVING stories and tips.

Inside you’ll find 10 delightful chapters with such titles as…Living for Romance, Creating Time for Romance, Romance Can Be Simple, Romance Around the World and At Home, Creating a Romantic Home…and much more! This book is chock full of pictures, tips, recipes and more…to help you create a ROMANTIC LIFESTYLE …every day!

To enter this LOVE-ly drawing you simply need to leave a comment on this post sometime before Valentine’s Day…that’s before this Saturday!

If you leave a Tip for Romantic Living Everyday with your comment, your name will be entered twice!

The drawing will be held on Valentine’s Day…the winner will be notified via their blog and will be announced here…the book will be sent out right away so you can begin to add ROMANCE to your life EVERY DAY!

For a peek at some other of my favorite books on ROMANTIC LIVING click here.

P.S. There’s a new issue of my newsletter coming out Thursday with tips on Creating Your Romantic Retreat…if you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so at the top right of the page!

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