I’ve Renamed the Days of the Week!

I’ve been thinking…..
(this is where my Prince would say, “Uh, Oh!”)….
I hear so many negative words associated with some of the days of the week….”Dreadful Monday”, “Hump Day” (Wednesday), then there are those who get depressed Sunday night because Monday morning is just a few hours away and those who declare “Thank God it’s Friday!” like they could hardly bear to get to that day.
So….I thought maybe if the days of the week were renamed it would cause us to stop and think of each day in a more positive light!  I am a firm believer that what we think & say we begin to believe and bring about!
Want to try this with me? There’s nothing to lose! and everything to gain!
From now on I will be referring to the days of the week as follows…….
Soul-full Sunday
Magnificent Monday
Terrific Tuesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Thrilling Thursday
Fabulous Friday
Super(califragilisticexpialidocious) Saturday
Come on…give it a try…let me know what happens!
Wishing you a most BEAUTIFUL and UPLIFTING week!
I’ve been invited to link up to 
All Things Heart & Home-Be Inspired 
Please stop by and visit Robin’s beautiful blog…and Be Inspired by her friends posts for the Be Inspired 
Thank you Robin!

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