Tea with Kathleen Series Three: CHANGE – Otherwise Known as Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Ask yourself – Is where I am now where I want to be in…. 6 months? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years from now?
If not, something needs to CHANGE!
Do you know that your dreams are waiting for you just outside your COMFORT ZONE?!
Do you know how to get out of your comfort zone?
It’s simple, something needs to CHANGE!
Definition of Insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!
Let’s look at 4 Things That Keep You In Your Comfort Zone and what you can do about them!
- FEAR – Fear is high on the list of the things that keep people from stepping out of their comfort zone and pursuing their dreams. There are several things people fear, there’s Fear of FAILURE – many people convince themselves it’s better to not pursue their dreams than to face the humiliation of pursuing and not achieving. Fear of LACK – Lack of time, money, resources, knowledge. Fear of the UNKNOWN – What will happen if….. ?! Fear of REJECTION – Will I be good enough? What will people think of me? Fear of the FUTURE – What if I SUCCEED?! FEAR subtracts from your life by causing you to shrink back, whereas FAITH expands your life by causing you to step out of your comfort zone and pursue the life you DREAM of! (In my new course I share “20 Things You Can Do To Banish Fear!”) Identify the fear that is holding you back and then send it packing by creating your action plan and taking the first steps!
- LACK of VISION – If you don’t know where you are headed, you can’t expect to get there and if, for some reason, you do, how would you know? Create your clearly defined vision, write it down, create your vision board/book and SEE yourself as if you’ve already done it! Make it as detailed as possible!
- OVERWHELM – Often we get overwhelmed by the size of our dreams. To avoid overwhelm, break your dreams/goals down into manageable, doable steps, then assign time to accomplish those steps. As you work through each step you will gain confidence and momentum, overcoming overwhelm! (I have an entire module on “Overcoming Overwhelm” in my new course, coming SOON!)
- LACK of FAITH – You doubt you can do it! It’s much easier to stay in that comfort zone where you feel comfortable with your skills and accomplishments rather than to step out, face your fears, learn something new, and CHANGE something in order to live your dreams. The clearer your vision and your plan, the more prepared you are, and the more confidence you will have to step out of your comfort zone and live the life you dream of!
Don’t let your Comfort Zone become your Death Bed! You can do this!
I believe in YOU and I believe in your DREAMS!
FACETS OF GRACIOUSNESS ~ an inspirational journal
Facets of Graciousness is a collection of original quotes by Kathleen that have been described as …
Inspiring! Motivating! Enlightening! Life-Changing!
Transformational! Timeless Wisdom! Insightful!
Life is full of ups & downs and rough edges; it is imperative we keep ourselves armed with the effective tools necessary to walk through every situation victoriously!
Facets of Graciousness is one of the most effective tools you can use each & every day to help you maneuver the ups & downs and smooth those rough edges of your life.
Choose to live VICTORIOUSLY today!